Monday, April 13, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics - Blue Collar Vs White Collar

Argumentative Essay Topics - Blue Collar Vs White CollarWhen you are writing an argumentative essay, you may want to think about the differences between blue collar and white collar jobs. The essay topic does not have to relate to either. Both can be very strong topics to write on, but choosing one of them is best for the reason that they will give you more variety. Consider some of the differences that I have noted here.Perhaps the current economic situation has made blue collar jobs seem more appealing to many people. They are more in demand, and they pay better. This is a great thing, but there are some disadvantages as well.Another disadvantage to working for a company rather than on your own is the lack of flexibility. If you have children, the lack of flexibility can be dangerous. You may not be able to make time for things like taking care of your children.However, it is not that easy to work as a white collar job. They may pay less than blue collar jobs, but this does not mea n that they are not worth working for. They require that you work together with other people, and not just work for yourself.It can also be very difficult to learn about the rules and regulations that are involved with this. It is very important that you understand all of the rules before trying to set up a business. If you do not know the rules, it can be very hard to get things right.You will also be required to get medical training in order to run a business. There are many rules that are in place for the safety of your employees. The risk of a business owner cannot be underestimated.However, I do not believe that the risks involved in running a business on your own are any greater than in a white collar job. The only difference is that you need to work together with other people to get things done. One advantage of working for someone else is that you do not have to worry about running into problems. If you have trouble getting along with others, you can go back to your job.Each of these different ways of having an argumentative essay topics should be discussed with a teacher before going to write the essay. As you can see, both are very effective, and each will meet the needs of some individuals. However, if you are not sure which method to use, then you should consider which method is best for you.

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